OO Makes a Mistake

Elijah Kampsen

  • March 15, 2009

I'm sure someone out there noticed that when we put up the "Pokémans: Fire Red" blog, we quickly replaced the first home page picture with a different one. I bet you're wondering why. And although it was a small crisis, I felt it necessary to get it fixed as soon as possible. You see, when we write a blog, we generally do a quick Google Image search for a related picture to link the blog on the home page. And that's exactly what I did. I did a Google Image search for "Pokemon" and basically grabbed the first bright-colored, fun-looking picture I found. To be honest, I really didn't look at it that closely. I just slapped it on the home page to link to the good content. But the next day at school, Drew and I were inspecting the home page when we came to that picture. At closer inspection, Drew pointed out that Lugia was sweating (Lugia being the large Pokemon at the bottom of the pile.) It actually turned out many of the Pokémon seemed to be sweating. And Lugia also had his tongue sticking out and looked worn out. Then we looked at the only human in the bunch and it immediately became apparent that the Pokemon with their hands all over her weren't just holding on for dear life. It seems that in my rush for a home page picture, I picked up some (and here we coin a new term) "Poképorn". As weird/gross as that may be, I know a lot of you are now curious to see what all the raucous was about, so you can see the original home page picture below. I'd probably be willing to bet that NO ONE would have noticed, but for the sake of the site and to save further embarrassment, we decided not to take the chance. But, to me, now it seems kind of funny, and I figured you might be a bit amused too. Sorry if I made you sick.
